The Series “An African Panorama”

Presenting here are some of the best photos from the series “An African Panorama”, which were exhibited in Nairobi, Kenya for the supervision of the photographer from the Seattle Casey Kelbofa.
Have wonderful photo safari around Africa.
(Total 17 Photos)
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1. Living in Sudanese plane look like the UN mission will be to drop humanitarian aid.
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2. West Darfur, 2004.
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3. Cairo.
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4. Cairo store.
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5. People are waiting for the bus, Cairo.
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6. Ethnic dance around the campfire, Lake Turkana, Kenya.
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7. In the camp of internally displaced persons, Uganda, 2007.
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8. In the camp of internally displaced persons, Uganda, 2007.
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9. Two fisherman. Lake Turkana in Kenya.
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10. On the Kenyan coast.
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11. At the first African competitions among amputees, Sierra Leone.
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12. Slums of Lagos, Nigeria.
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13. African Union troops in Mogadishu.
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14. In the slums of Nairobi.
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15. People clean and clean the streets after an explosion in Mogadishu, Somalia.
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16. Zebras Tanzania.
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17. The annual migration of zebras in Tanzania.


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